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Survivalist Series - Minecraft for Education at CTA Independence

Enrichment Programs -
Enrichment 24-25

Survivalist Series - Minecraft for Education at CTA Independence

Program Description: Team up with your classmates and dive into a pixelated world of adventure! Join CTA-Independence’s FIRST-EVER Minecraft for Education survival challenge and test your skills as you gather resources, build shelters, and craft tools. Can your team survive the dangers of this ten-week task and emerge victorious? 

Students can join this club as individuals or as pre-determined teams of up to FOUR players. Contact Jessica Pfau at or through Parent Square before February 7th with team member names. If students enroll individually, they will be placed on a team at Mrs. Pfau's discretion

Grades Levels of Students (Min and Max): 4th Grade - 6th Grade CTA-Independence Students with survival proficiency in MCE 

Time = Friday Afternoons from 3:10pm-4:00

Start Date = 2/7/25 

End Date = 5/2/2025 NO CLUB MEETING ON = 3/7/25, 3/14/25 and 3/21/25, 4/18/25 

Location = CTA-Independence Elementary School (Tech Lab)

Cost per Participant: $150 

Number of Participants: 12 min / 28 Max 

Program Contact Info (Name and Email): Jessica Pfau - Technology Teacher /

24-25-Survivalist Series - Minecraft for Education at CTA Independence

  Jessica R Pfau

Fridays, Feb 7 - May 2
3:10 - 4:00 PM

  No Class Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21 & Apr 18


Grades   4th - 6th

Fewer than 5 spots left

Price: $ 150 00